Susanne Severeid: author / actor / presenter
Courageous Grief Talk - a safe way to explore loss
KSKQ 89.5 FM
Co-hosts/producers Julie Lockhart and Susanne Severeid hosting their live, weekly radio show with guests, call-ins, book reviews, and advice on dealing with grief. Courageous Grief Talk opens up conversations that are often taboo, discussing resources and helping you learn to cope with grief and loss. See links below for some of their archived shows.
Courageous Grief Talk 11/18/2014
This month’s topic is coping with the holidays. Listen as Susanne and Julie discuss their experience and draw from WinterSpring resources for helping those who are grieving through this difficult time.
Courageous Grief Talk 06/04/2014
This week Susanne and Julie speak about the use of music in the
healing process as a way of creative expression and remembrance.
Courageous Grief Talk 05/28/2014
How Community Can Help in Coping with Loss
Julie and Susanne are joined by Ginny Auer who tells her story of
helping her daughter cope with the loss of her father by creating a community of “Funcles”.
Courageous Grief Talk 05/21/2014
On this show WinterSpring's children's program Leas Facilitator Angel DeShane joins Susanne and Julie to discuss how children grieve.
Courageous Grief Talk 05/14/2014
How to Let Go of a Loved One's Things
“The Mess Doctor” Barbara Ricketts talks with Julie and Susanne about how clutter and the inability to let go of possessions can be signs of grief.
Courageous Grief Talk 05/07/2014
This week Shoshana Alexander joins Julie and Susanne to share her story about suicide loss and what helped her healing process.
Courageous Grief Talk 04/30/2014
How The Use of Ritual Can Help in Moving Through Grief
On this show Susanne and Julie discuss the importance of ritual and how it can focus intention and help while moving through the grieving process.
Courageous Grief Talk 04/23/2014
Supporting Children During the Grief Process
Julie and Susanne share some personal childhood grief experiences while discussing how to support children during the grief process and signs of childhood grief.
Courageous Grief Talk 04/16/2014
Healing Emotional and Spiritual Issues and Releasing Unresolved Issues Underlying Grief
Anam Cara companion and former critical care nurse Judy Hilyard talks about the impact of healing emotional and spiritual issues in preparation for a peaceful death and releasing unresolved issues underlying grief.
Courageous Grief Talk 04/09/2014
How to Support Others in Grief
On this show Julie and Susanne share their personal experiences and discuss how to support others in grief.
Courageous Grief Talk 04/02/2014
The Significance of Ritual in Integrating Feelings of Loss
Community builder, hypnotherapist, writer Carolyn Shaffer tells about her unique loss experience and the significance of ritual in integrating the feelings of loss and receiving support.
Courageous Grief Talk 03/26/2014
Losses Related to Motherhood and other Disenfranchised Grief
This week Kani Comstock author of Honoring Missed Motherhood: Loss, Choice, and Creativity joins Julie and Susanne to discuss losses related to motherhood and disenfranchised grief in our culture.
Courageous Grief Talk 03/05/2014
Courageous Grief Talk: The Inaugural Show
Join hosts Julie Lockhart and Susanne Severeid as they share and explore various aspects of the grief and healing process with insights from special guests.

"Flawless! Can't wait until the next show. Thanks for covering this important topic."
~ L.H., California